Saturday, 20 March 2010

Filming Main Task- Risk Assessment

To ensure our health and safety is secure we needed to create a risk assessment. By looking at certain features of our settings and the props we use in our thriller we needed to access how dangerous they were and the potential hazards that surrounded us.

I have drawn a graph to highlight the risks and the risk level.

This graph represents my risk assessment for our filming task. I split the risks into four areas which are; the furniture, this includes all chairs tables and worktops within the location. Also the paint we used for one of our main scenes, the props we used in our film and lastly the camera equipment and how much of a risk they were.

I have assessed the risks into three areas: severity, danger and resolvability.

The severity means the consequences that may be faced after having an accident with these risks. The furniture has a low rating because they were old, not wanted pieces of furniture and they would not have been missed if broken and they did not pose a threat if we decided to climb on them. The paint had a slightly higher rating because there is alot of risk if the paint spilled or if it managed to get into one of our eyes. Our props have a very high severity rating because dealing with heavy and sharp objects could cause severe cuts or worst case scenario lose a finger. Lastly the camera equipment had a high severity rating because the equipment is not ours and is owned by the school. This means that we are liable for them and would need to pay them back so we took extra care with our equipment.

Danger means how much of a threat to our physical and/or mental health these risks could be. Furniture has a low danger rating because they are not sharp or in a dangerous place. The only major danger risk was when Ryan had to step onto a ladder to paint the wall or when Andrew and myself had to hold the curtains on top of a step. The paint had a slightly higher rating because of the same reasons for severity. The props had the highest rating again because of how hazardous the objects were to our physical bodies. Finally the camera equipment had a high danger rating because of how easily damaged the equipment could get. Also the log legs of the tripod could be dangerous if not folded up properly or not carried properly.

Resolvability is how easily the risk was sorted out and the steps taken necessary to deal with the issue. The furniture and paint had very high resolvability ratings because they could have easily been moved, put away or covered up which would have sorted out the risk. The props were difficult to resolve because they ere needed during filming and some had to even be used while filming. This was resolved by taking extra measures to ensure we were safe and knew what we were doing. Unfortunately the camera equipment was the most difficult to resolve because it took up alot of space and was easily broken.

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